- A very important aspect of this consolidated relationship is formed by basic agreements. From 1 February, an agreement on the recognition of Serbian drivers licences in Australia was implemented. This agreement was the result of many years of engagement on this important issue for Serbs who migrate to Australia as adults with experience as tested drivers. Another improtant agreement, signed on 25 October, concerned the right of family membres of staff in diplomatic missions to compete on the job market for employment in the host country according to their qualifications and experience. This agreement was the result of a long-standing desire to regulate this isssue, the effect of which will be a general rise in the standard of recruitment for diplomatic missions and a corresponding improvement in the general standard of work.
- The year 2017 was also the first year of concrete action by the Australian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce. The leadership and members of the ASCC have sought opportunities to promote commercial relations between the two countries and in this they had the full support of the Serbian Embassy. The first meeting of the executive and memebrs of the ASCC was in fact held at the Embassy in Canberra in February. The sphere of economic relations was a particular focus of the Embassy’s endeavours during 2017. A concerted effort was made to identify commercial opportunities and potential partnerships and to create networks between potential partners. This was done in the context of a concerted analysis of the concrete need for and feasibility of formal agreements regulating the commerial collaboration. This year is in fact the fourth consecutive year of an increase in exports from Serbia to Australia and there is evidence of concrete possibilities of consolidating this trend in the near future. The year 2017 also saw the signing of a Memorandum of Undertsanding between Rio Tinto and the Serbian Government, aimed at the realisation of the project of the lithium mine at Jadar, which is considered a major step in the realisation of this major foreign investment in the Serbian economy.
- The Tesla Exhibition has been another major development in the life of the Serbian community in Australia. Thanks to the enthusiasm and commitment of the members of the Tesla Forum, this year saw the third consecutive Nikola Tesla Exhibition in Perth, which hosted the Nikola Tesla Museum of Belgrade. For the first time, the Perth exhibition was also shown in Sydney, thanks to the exceptional efforts by the NFP organisation “Nikola Tesla Srpski” and numerous volunteers. The Serbian Embassy fully supported this project, in particular its organisation in Sydney, at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
- In the sphere of educational and cultural cooperation, the year 2017 saw the commencement of an important archeological project at Glac, near Sremska Mitrovica, led by Professor Richard Miles and Dr Alan Dearn of the University of Sydney. This project is supported by the relevant institutions of the Republic of Serbia.
- This was also the year in which the Serbian Statehood Day, which has been regularly observed by the Embassy in Canberra, was also commemorated with a reception in Wellington, New Zealand. This function was the first ever organised by the Serbian Embassy in collaboration with the Serbian community in the capital of New Zealand. This was indeed a fitting occasion to celebrate Serbia, the Serbian community and all those people who live in New Zealand but still expereince Serbia as their homeland. Here I may interpose by saying that as well as residentially covering Australia, the Serbian Embassy also covers at a non-residential level the maintenance of diplomatic relations in New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guini and Tonga. I can add that it was this year that accredidation was completed and that on 28 February I delivered the letters of accreditation to the President of Fiji as the first ever accredited Serbian Ambassador. Further activities were undertaken during the year to establish relations with several other Pacific nations.
- The year 2017 was significant in that it also marked the opening of the first Serbian Consulate in Perth, headed by the honorary consul, Mr. Luke Simpkins. The opening ceremony is planned for 12-13 January 2018. This year also saw the opening of the Serbian Consulate in Auckland, headed by the honorary consul, Mr. Stevan Berber. The opening ceremony is planned for 8 February 2018. The establishment of two new diplomatic missions, after many decades, is testimony of the systematic efforts which are being made to raise the visibility and status of the Republic of Serbia in this region. We should, however, remember the fact that Serbia’s presence in Australia via the instituion of honorary consuls in Melbourne goes back to 1882. Time has come to make use of this institution again and to find similar solutions for other urban centres in Australia.
- In concluding this pleasant report, it is appropriate to mention a decision which will be the foundation of the long-term presence of Serbia and its diplomatic network in Australia. This is the decision to build a new Embassy and Residence, based on a lengthy analysis of the current situation and needs. With this in view, the process of signing a 99-year lease for a block of land in the suburb of Deakin in Canberra has commenced. The construction should be completed in 36 months following the signing of the agreement. A substantial part of the budget has been secured for this purpose. For all those who would like and are able to support this significant project, there will be opportunities made public in 2018. The issues of how to best manage the existing property of the Embassy in Canberra and how to husband the realestate remaining from Yugoslav times in New Zealand, will also be tackled in the context of the new construction project.
- One of the priorities for the coming year 2018 will be the completion of negotiations and the signing of the Agreement on Social Security between Serbia and Australia, as well as the creation of technical and organisational means for more efficient Consular services.
- The year 2018 is also the year of commemorating a significant anniversary – 100 years since the end of the First World War. I have great pleasure in announcing that the plan for a solemn commemoration and exhibition has been drafted by Mr Bojan Pajic and Ms Mirjana Djukic and that in collaboration with the Australian War Memorial a formal event will take place on Saturday, 15 and Sunday 16 September. As in the past four years, the Embassy will support this activity which is of exceptional importance for the maintenance of the Serbian tradition, the preservation of Serbian identity in Australia, and the visibility of the Serbian community.
- With respect to the importance of maintaining tradition, and the image we project as Serbs in the public domain, I am particularly pleased to emphasise the meaningful contacts and collaboration which the Embassy has had with His Grace, Bishop Siluan, the Metropolitan of Australia and New Zealand, as well as with the clergy of the Metropolitanate of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Our two official meetings, one in the Embassy and the other in Sydney, as well as numerous meetings during the year on various occasions, proved the importance of maintaining Serbian identity in Australia. In this context, I would like to experss my sincere respect for and gratitude to the schools run under the auspices of the church councils within the Metropolitanate, for the educational work carried out with enthusiasm and commitment. Rest assured that I will give my unqualified support for all your activities in the coming year.
In sum, these are the results and the future plans. Both of these would not be realised without people – they play the most vital role in any development. That is why I would like to thank Mr Zoran Marinković, First Secretary of the Embassy, and the attache Mr Zoran Pavličić, who have completed their mandates in 2017 and returned to Serbia. I would also like to welcome First Council, Ms Mimica Radojević, and the attache Željko Đaković and to wish them success in their new posts.
With all good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Miroljub Petrović